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四無量心 「四無量心」は故郷である岩手にアトリエを開いて間もない1994年、地元新聞社から依頼を承け二年にわたり毎月宮沢賢治をテーマに作品とエッセイを発表した24点の内の一作です。 京都から離れ岩手の自然に囲まれて自身の心と対話を重ねる創作の日々で、仏教の説く四つの心、慈悲喜捨を指す「四無量心」を自身のものとしたいと、エッセイには「アトリエの裏から拾ってきた杉板に下絵もなしで慈・悲・喜・捨と唱えながら刀を入れ摺り上げた」と書いています。 後に出版された画文集を久しぶりに開いてみると、岩手での創作活動がその後の井堂雅夫の作品が「宇宙と生命」「生かされている使命」を強く意識したものとなり、日本の伝統文化や木版画周知のための展覧会や教室、メディア出演、講演、執筆など自身の生き方や創作活動の方向がより明確で活発なものへと変化していったことに気づきます。 Blog post Feb. 2025 “Simuryosin” In 1994, soon after opening his studio in
his hometown of Iwate, Masao Ido was commissioned by a local newspaper to
publish 24 works and essays on the theme of Kenji Miyazawa every month for two
years. The "Four Myriad Hearts" is one of
them. While spending his creative days away from Kyoto and surrounded by the natural beauty of Iwate Prefecture, Masao Ido became acquainted with the term "four immeasurable minds," which refers to the four minds of Buddhism: compassion, mercy, and joy.I wanted to understand the word more deeply. In his essay, he writes, "I made the prints on a cedar board I found in the back of my studio without any preliminary sketches, chanting 'Ji,' 'Sadness,' 'Joy,' and 'Discretion' while putting a sword into the board. When I opened the subsequent art books after a long time, I found that his creative activities in Iwate made him aware of "the universe and life" and "the mission of being alive" in his subsequent works, and the direction of his way of life and creative activities, such as exhibitions, classes, media appearances, lectures, and writing activities to promote traditional Japanese culture and woodblock prints, were "the universe and life" and "the mission of being alive.I have noticed that the direction of his life and creative activities has become more and more focused on "the universe and life" and "the mission of being alive". 株式会社 雅堂 京都市北区平野宮屋敷町27 TEL 075-464-1655 FAX 075-464-0747 |
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