
ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年10月「清水雪月花 蒼月」


                                                  水雪月花 蒼月





Blog post

Oct. 2024

Kiyomizu-dera  azure moon

The temple grounds of Kiyomizu-dera are quiet as if the bustle of the daytime is a lie, and as the sun sets, the moon gradually rises with increasing brightness.

 In the 1,200 years of Kyoto's history, shrines, temples, and various cultures have been carefully protected and preserved by the townspeople despite natural disasters, fires, and other hardships.

 Even at Kiyomizu-dera Temple, merchants in the town in front of the temple's main gate speak with a strong tone, “If a fire breaks out, I would run to the temple first, even if my house or store burns down.

In the 42 years since Masao Ido opened his gallery in Kyoto, a city filled with many “things” and “things” that have been preserved and passed down by our predecessors, I cannot help but feel happy every day that I can proudly introduce the splendor of the culture to visitors from all over the world through the woodblock prints that he has created.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年9月「仙酔島」







Blog post

Sep. 2024

Sensui-jima Island

Sensui-jima Island, located in Tomonoura facing the Seto Inland Sea, is a small island with a circumference of 6 km in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, where Masao Ido's ancestors lived.

When ships used to rely on the wind and tidal currents to navigate the Seto Inland Sea, Tomonoura prospered as a “tidal waiting port” where ships docked when the tide was high and sailed when the tide was low, and where advanced history and culture gathered as people from Japan and abroad interacted with each other. It was a region where advanced history and culture gathered as a result of exchanges between people from Japan and abroad.

Masao Ido said, “I am made of genes from three lands. The Chinese mainland, where he was born in the chaos immediately after the war, Iwate, where he was surrounded by nature and nurtured his sensitivity, and Fukuyama, where his ancestors connected their lives, all of which he feels he would not be where he is today without.

Masao Ido may have felt the power of his genes guiding him here as he painted this scene, where the morning light on the Seto Inland Sea changes the color of the sea surface from moment to moment, as if welcoming small boats out for fishing.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年8月「蔵の町」






                         “Town of Warehouses

Omi Hachiman was a castle town that flourished 500 years ago when it was opened and people and goods came and went by waterways drawn from Lake Biwa.

 Looking at the work, one can feel the slightly humid air rising from the waterway surrounded by greenery, and it makes one want to breathe deep into one's lungs.

 This work was created by Masao Ido in 1986 at the age of 41, compared to works by artists in their fifties and sixties, in which the exquisiteness of the details and the gorgeous use of colors increase, Masao Ido's works have a simplicity and warmth that make them endearing, just as his personality does.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年7月「祇園祭」









 Gion Festival

The Gion Festival has been held for 1,200 years as a Shinto ritual to pray for the eradication of plague. The main attraction of the festival is the parade of 34 floats decorated with gorgeous costumes through the city.

 The woodworking, textiles, carving, and other crafts seen throughout the festival are skills cultivated in the Japanese climate and sensibilities, and are treasures that we should protect.

 The world of woodblock prints has also produced world-class works thanks to the high level of Japanese paper and engraving and printing techniques, but in recent years there have been no successors, and Masao Ido, worried that the technique would die out if nothing was done, spent six years completing Ukiyo-e Kyoto Hyakkei with a young engraver and printer he had trained at home.

 This month's work is "Gion Matsuri (Gion Festival)" from the Hyakkei(100views) series.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年6月「樹下光映」







     “Light Shadows Under the Trees

 The season when the city of Kyoto was filled with people and cherry blossoms has passed, and now it is June in Kyoto, when all the trees, the mountains on three sides surrounding the basin and the street trees, are covered with fresh green young leaves that seem to be sprouting.

 The 800 year old camphor tree in Seiren-in, which is said to have been planted by Shinran Shonin, is so impressive that any resident of Kyoto can easily tell which tree this work of art, once seen, is from. It casts gentle shadows on the people walking under the tree from Chion-in Temple to the waterway in Okazaki.

 The huge roots and branches that cover most of the picture plane seem to be about to burst out of the tree and create a strong energy.

 Masao Ido, who had been thinking about "the universe and life" and felt that life resides in everything he sees and touches, and that this energy rises up as "chi," was strongly attracted to this tree and could not help but paint it.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年5月「宇宙の塵となりて」







“Becoming the Dust of the Universe”

Masao Ido's creative activities are centered in Kyoto, where he began his creative work, but he has also established a studio in his hometown of Iwate. There, he created a number of works that could not have been created in Kyoto.

This work is one of them. The title of this work is taken from "Mazu moromorokagayaku cosmos no miniscule dust to muho no sora ni fluttering" in Kenji Miyazawa's Outline of Farmer's Art.

Masao Ido says that his encounter with Kenji Miyazawa's worldview in his hometown of Iwate "convinced me that my mission given to me by the universe was to continue creating artwork.

In his works, butterflies flying on the ground, pretty flowers, grass and trees, and all living things seem to shine with joy as they come into this world with their own missions.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年4月「興福寺・塔」





 “Pagoda of Kofukuji Temple

The pagoda of Kofukuji Temple stands overlooking Sarusawa Pond, as it has done for 1,300 years, when Nara was the capital of Heijo-kyo. At 45 meters high, this massive tower, the second tallest in Japan, evokes the image of a sturdy, mature man.

 When Masao Ido visited Nara and opened his sketchbook to look at the subject, he often said, "I wish I could paint this size.” Compared to the landscape of Kyoto, which can be painted from anywhere, the landscape of Nara is a spacious expanse of time and space. Masao Ido may have meant that he wanted to express this sense of size.

 When you find a fold and settle yourself in this place, you will feel a pleasant sense of openness, as if your body is free of excess energy.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年3月「桜花朝陽」








The five-story pagoda of Daigoji Temple, located in Fushimi, southeast of Kyoto, stands quietly as if watching over the history of Kyoto.

 As the morning sun rises and the sky changes colors, the five-story pagoda is illuminated by the gradually expanding light, revealing the massive and exquisite woodwork beneath the five-story roof.

 Hideyoshi Toyotomi had hundreds of cherry trees gathered from all over the Kinki region planted on the temple grounds near Fushimi Castle, where he spent the last years of his life, and held a grand cherry blossom viewing party with 1,300 of his relatives and vassals. Since then, many people have come to admire the pagoda, which stands amidst the cherry trees that bloom every year.

 Seeing the falling petals of cherry blossoms in his work, I am reminded of the words of Masao Ido, who said, "I want to express the wind, smell, and temperature I felt at that time.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年2月「雪舞」







Masao Ido, who began his career as an artist in Kyoto, began to talk from time to time about his desire to someday return to his hometown of Iwate, which had nurtured the foundation of his career since he was turning 50 years old.

He took a two-year job in Hanamaki, rented a 100-year-old thatched farmhouse near the airport, and began creating works while traveling back and forth between Iwate and Kyoto.

The deer dance, which floats with the sound of drums as snow flutters in the rice paddies in front of the studio, is drowned out by the wind and reappears again.

Masao Ido proudly tells us that many folk tales and traditional performing arts, filled with people's awe of nature and prayers, have been with the lives of the people in this region, and his deeply thoughtful works seem to convey his gentle gaze and feelings for his hometown.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747



ギャラリー雅堂だより 2024年1月「金閣寺」






It was 40 years ago when I opened a gallery in this area to promote Masao Ido's works. At that time, I woke up early one morning in the middle of winter to the sound of a helicopter circling in the sky and wondered what was going on. Nowadays, with the advance of global warming, snowfalls like the one in this work are rare.

I remember a visitor to the gallery once commented to me, in front of one of Masao Ido's snowy landscapes, "It's warm even though it's a snowy landscape, isn't it? I remember that I told him about the snow effect that erases all the shadows. I recall telling him an unintentionally passionate story about how Masao Ido concentrated on his work, unaware that a lit cigarette had turned to ash while still holding its shape in the ashtray.

The effect of the snow that erases all shadows and the reflection of another Kinkakuji temple on the surface of the water make this work even brighter.

株式会社 雅堂


TEL 075-464-1655

FAX 075-464-0747
